About Renobuild

RenoBuild Algarve | Building Renovation & Refurbishment

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Renovation. Remodeling. RenoBuild Algarve, Portimão, Lagos, Lagoa, Carvoeiro, Aljezur, Sagres, Monchique, Silves, Albufeira Renovation, Plastering, Plaster, RenoBuild Algarve, Portimão, Lagos, Lagoa, Carvoeiro, Aljezur, Sagres, Monchique, Silves, Albufeira Isolation, Thermal insulation. Renobuild Algarve, Portimão, Lagos, Lagoa, Carvoeiro, Aljezur, Sagres, Monchique, Silves, Albufeira

Company Profile – RenoBuild® Algarve

RenoBuild is based at Portimão, Algarve and is the result of the combination of Heinrich Fülöp and Sérgio Fülöp’s professional experience.

With over 35 years of professional experience, acquired in Switzerland and Portugal, we are specialized in thermal insulation, cracking repair and waterproofing systems; in plastering and painting; and execution of unique wall coating.

Our conduct is to follow quality and viability principles. Our aim is to find and execute the best solution to each task. RenoBuild ® presents itself as a company of reference in Algarve in the sectors of building energy efficiency, preservation and refurbishment. Home Comfort & Energy Savings is our motto.

Our Team

Heinrich Fülöp has over 35 years of professional experience. He began his professional activity in Switzerland, in 1979, with the role of plasterer. For 20 years, his activity was mainly focused on the execution of exterior thermal insulation systems and interior works such as: plastering; decorative plastering; artistic and creative wall finishes; false ceilings and lightweight partition walls). In 1998, he started his professional activity in Portugal having executed numerous works from which he has earned recognition and clients satisfaction.

Sérgio Fülöp began his professional activity in 2007, essentially focused on the execution of external and internal thermal insulation systems, cracking repair and waterproofing systems, as well as facade, metal and wood painting. Between 2011 and the beginning of 2014, he developed his professional activity in Switzerland, where he specialized in the areas of Drywall PartitionsForm Suspended Ceilings and Acoustic Ceiling Systems. Since then, he specialized in Home Improvement & Remodelling, in specific, walls, ceilings and floors coatings.

Services Provided by RenoBuild

  • Acoustic and Thermal insulation
    • Thermal Insulation of Walls;
    • External Thermal Insulation Composite System (ETICS);
    • Internal Thermal Insulation;
    • Acoustic and Thermal Insulation with Cork.
  • Repairing Cracks and Facade Renovation
  • Painting Services
    • Cleaning exterior surfaces with high pressure water (facades, roofs);
    • Painting Exterior and Interior surfaces;
    • Wood: Treatment, Varnishing and Painting;
    • Metal decorating: Anticorrosion Treatment rust and Painting;
    • Repairing cracks and other anomalies in plasters;
    • Treating surfaces with molds;
    • Roofs: treatment to prevent the appearance of microorganisms (algae, fungus, molds, etc.), waterproofing and Painting.
  • Waterproofing
  • Interior Remodellings
    • Drywall Partitions, Form Suspended Ceilings and Acoustic Ceiling Systems (plasterboard, wallboard, gypsum board);
    • Interior Thermal Insulation and Acoustic Insulation solutions;
    • Stucco Works (plaster made of Gypsum and Lime);
    • Treatment of moulds and saltpetre.
  • Dampness Issues Repair
    • Treatment of surfaces contaminated with black moulds, algae, fungi, etc;
    • Rising Damp / Saltpetre Treatment;
    • Renovating Plaster.
  • Technical-Advice-and-Product Sales
    • Mortars;
    • Primers, Paints and Varnishes;
    • Thermal and Acoustic insulation materials;
    • External Thermal Insulation Composite System (ETICS);
    • Other Materials.
  • Property Maintenance
    • Cleaning exterior walls, roofs and pavements with high pressure water;
    • Repairing cracks and other anomalies;
    • Facades – Maintenance and inspection (existence of cracking, integrity of coatings);
    • Maintenance and repair of the External Thermal Insulation Composite System (ETICS).
    • Cleaning and treating moulds, algae and fungi, fungus;
    • Repairs.
  • Other Services

Articles about RenoBuild

⇒ 7 astuces pour donner plus de valeur à sa maison (https://www.homify.fr/livres_idees/211474/7-astuces-pour-donner-plus-de-valeur-a-sa-maison)

Vous pensez à votre maison sur le long terme et souhaitez lui redonner un coup de jeune pour que sa valeur apprécie au fil du temps ? Suivez ces conseils pièce par pièce !

Repeindre la façade

La peinture d’une façade n’a pas simplement pour but de protéger la maison. Elle peut aussi la remettre en valeur esthétiquement lorsque les bonnes couleurs et finitions sont choisies. Pour vous aider à faire un choix et vous donner des idées, recherchez des exemples de façades qui vous plaisent sur le catalogue des espaces Homify! En fonction de l’architecture de votre maison, votre choix de couleur différera : une maison provençale aura l’avantage de pouvoir choisir des teintes plus vives et ensoleillées, tandis qu’une maison moderne aura intérêt à rester dans les tons clairs afin d’apporter élégance et sobriété. N’oubliez pas que le toit de votre maison viendra aussi limiter le choix des couleurs : veillez à bien assortir vos murs au toit de votre maison. Pour ajouter plus de valeur à votre maison, redonnez aussi un coup de jeune aux volets en les repeignant de façon similaire à votre intérieur afin de créer un équilibre intérieur/extérieur.

⇒ 6 trucchi per valorizzare la propria casa (https://www.homify.it/librodelleidee/225126/6-trucchi-per-valorizzare-la-propria-casa)

Se immaginate la vostra casa tra qualche anno e ritenete necessaria una rimodernata generale in modo che l’immobile non perda valore nel tempo, seguite il nostro libro delle idee di oggi! Vi daremo dei consigli preziosi che, se presi in considerazione anche solo come spunto, faranno in modo da farvi sentire in una casa nuova pur senza cambiare indirizzo!! Vediamo di cosa si tratta!

Ridipingere la facciata


Ridipingere la facciata di una casa non funge solo da protezione, ma serve anche a recuperarla esteticamente se vengono effettuate le giuste scelte. Se non sapete da dove cominciare, aiutatevi prendendo spunto dai molteplici esempi che ogni giorno noi di homify proponiamo sul sito! A seconda dell’architettura della casa, le vostre scelte riguarderanno un colore diverso, ad esempio, per una casa provenzale si avrà il vantaggio di poter optare per tinte più vivaci e luminose, mentre per una casa moderna si tenderà a prendere in considerazione delle tinte più chiare, per un effetto più elegante e sobrio. Ricordate che anche il tetto della vostra casa limiterà la scelta dei colori. Infine, per un aspetto più giovanile ed equilibrato, non dimenticate di tingere le persiane dello stesso colore della casa.

Building Renovation & Refurbishment | RenoBuild Algarve

Algarve: Portimão • Lagos • Lagoa • Carvoeiro • Aljezur • Sagres • Monchique • Silves • Albufeira
